Life-saving Anti-Virus

Anti-Virus Software is essential in order to keep your computer/laptop safe from all Cyber attacks.

But why is it so important?  

First of all, they protect your laptop from Viruses, that are software codes able to negatively affect the information in the operating system of a computer, making it virtually worthless. If you use an Anti-Virus software, these viruses won't be able to enter the CPU of your machine and thus your computer will be safe. 

Moreover, they protect you from Hackers, which basically are the human version of Viruses. Usually what happens is that these hackers install programmes to your computer and, somehow, are able to find out personal information such as credit card numbers, passwords and so on. Anti-Virus software recognises when something is not quite right in your computer and it blocks them from entering the machine.

Many Anti-Virus programmes are also able to restore corrupted data to its original form. They identify specific bits of compromised data and eliminate it without actually affecting your original file. This is quite good for people like me, that don't save a document twice. :D

Have you always hated all the spam emails? So have I, and not only they are annoying and most of the times totally irrelevant, but they can also carry viruses. Well, let me tell you, Anti-Virus software will eliminate that virus and reduce the amount of spam emails you receive. What more can we ask?

Have a watch to this TED Video:


In Conclusion....
It is true that Anti-Virus software applications are sometimes quite expensive but if you think about it, they protect your computer from getting damaged and this damage sometimes can even lead to practically binning the laptop, meaning that more money will have to be spent on a new machine. So why not spend a smaller fee in order not to spend a much bigger one in the near future? 

Moreover, when you don't actually have an Anti-Virus in your computer you will always feel as if something will happen that might delete all your data or that the data could be stolen so, in a way, Anti-Virus makes you much more relaxed when it comes to using your PC.

DID YOU KNOW... that if you are a student at Strathclyde University, you can get your Anti-Virus for FREE?! Just click here to Login to Pegasus. 


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